Letter From The Editor

Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 11.04.26 AMI recently met with a couple of the members of two local hip-hop groups, The City Limits and Super Groupers, to talk about their bands’ upcoming tour, the name of which is the Golden Era District Tour. It’s a reference, they explained, to hip hop from the ‘90s.

But I think that, years from now, when people look back on this era of local music —of all genres — that they are going to call it a golden era. Recently, I have been hearing or meeting so many amazing local acts. It’s really an exciting time. (The bands also told me that they feel the Hawaii hip-hop scene is thriving right now.)

And that is part of the reason that they’re even embarking on this tour (which kicks off in Vegas at the end of the month): They want to pave the way for other local groups, hip hop or otherwise, to do what they’re doing. You can read more about the bands and their tour here.

Coincidentally, local music manager Brandon Apeles also has a similar mission. He’s about to leave the islands to expand his career in LA, where he hopes to be a sort of liaison between local groups and Mainland connections. For more on that, read on.