Letter From The Editor

metro-040816-letterEven if you haven’t been actively following the season, you’re probably at least vaguely aware of what the University of Hawaii men’s basketball team has been up to this year. It has, after all, been a record season for the team, punctuated by their participation in March Madness.

They ultimately lost in the second round, but that almost seems to be a mere footnote for the kind of season they had.

But by now, you’ve heard all about this.

So we wanted to give you a different kind of sports story on a player that you maybe haven’t heard much about: Dyrbe Enos.

Enos is a Kamehameha grad who joined the team as a walk-on in 2012. This year marked Enos’ senior season — but throughout the last four years, he didn’t get a ton of playing time. He even, at one point, was discouraged enough to consider quitting. Yet, he kept going. Throughout it all, Enos has demonstrated true tenacity, continuing to do what he loves, even if the rewards weren’t always so great.

See the full story here.

If hiking is more your speed, we’ve got the lowdown on a newly released app that will help keep you safe when you hit the trail. Created by local software developer Kent Kawahara, Hike Aloha features trail maps and more. (I personally am stoked for this — I have the worst sense of direction and can’t tell you how many times I end up going the wrong way on a hike.) Read about it here.