Letter From The Editor

Metro-090915-editorIf you, like me, were a kid in the late 80s to early 90s (or maybe you had kids or younger siblings around that time), then you probably, like me, grew up watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. I remember my sister and I were glued to the TV when it came on — and I’m pretty sure we had action figures of all four of those turtle superheroes.

TMNT is just as popular today as it was back then — which, as I learned when I chatted with original TMNT comics co-creator Kevin Eastman, came as a surprise to even its founders. But now, more than 30 years after the first TMNT was published, Eastman still is working on ongoing TMNT comics and cartoons — as well as appearing at events like Amazing Hawaii Comic Con, which takes place later this month at Hawaii Convention Center.

And Eastman is just one of a few widely known comic book legends who will be at the convention. Find out more here.

Also this week, food writer Jaimie Kim was lucky enough to get a sneak peak into Hoku’s new menu — and she reports there are a few innovative, exciting additions. Read about it here.

We’re also thrilled to welcome back occasional guest contributor Mary Lou Sanelli (story here), who this time, chronicles her recent trip to a small town — and finds that it’s not as quaint as she’d hoped. The trip was part of a tour for her newly released book, A Woman Writing. Congratulations, Mary Lou!