Letter from the Editor

Letter from the EditorAt the end of Anton Glamb’s column this week (Page 6), he writes that sometimes he wonders “why people would possibly want to live anywhere else.” Of course, he had just finished detailing an almost impossibly fun-sounding weekend that we have come to learn is the norm for him.

My own weekends are generally less exciting, but I find that I share his sentiment. I think that’s because, as Anton puts it, there is just so much going on here.

Part of that is because of all of the energetic, impassioned people that make up our city. At least, that’s what Samantha Ruiz found to be true when she moved here from Florida — and it’s that energy she’s been harnessing at her HONOLULU SOUP events. These micro-granting dinners provide funds for local projects that focus on art, social entrepreneurship and more. If you’ve got an idea, SOUP currently is accepting applications for its March dinner. You can read what SOUP is all about in our feature story on Page 10.

At the same time, sometimes, we all know that Honolulu can be a little bit too small. For those moments when you run into someone you’re supposed to make small talk with, Christa Wittmier has a couple of apps that will help you deal with the situation smoothly on Page 7.