Letter From The Editor

Metro-111914-editorTo me, one of the most interesting aspects about being a writer has always

been that it gives you sort of a free pass to glimpse into the lives of others. When we’re writing about individuals or communities, we have the opportunity — however briefly — to inhabit the worlds they live in.

In a lot of ways, that’s a strange thing — it can create an odd dynamic with the people you interview. But most of the time, it is amazing. I’m continually in awe of how open and forthcoming people are if you just start asking them questions.

For this issue, staff writer Jaimie Kim delves into the world of do-it-yourself brewers and takes us inside a home-brewing session with the Yeasty Boyz (Page 12). And we hit the trails with a Facebook group that’s working its way to completing 52 different hikes all around the island (Page 14). And, as always, our bar columnist Sammi Baum diligently throws herself into her work with some first-hand research on Page 18. This week, she reviews a couple of tasty drinks at Trump Waikiki (now there is one place I wouldn’t mind getting a glimpse into…).